It's been quite the learning curve as we progress through the information held inside of our minds.
Guiding individuals through Mind Journeys, like exploring Past Life, Present Life, the Purpose of Existence, and establishing a connection with your Spirit Guide.
Metaphysical Healing involves letting go of what no longer benefits you in order to open yourself up to receiving insights and internal wisdom that will help you progress, heal, and bring your desires into reality.
Fear, Guilt, Shame, Sorrow.... are very low vibrating energies, when we are vibrating on this level, this frequency, it is difficult to reach your inner healing abilities.
It leaves the body open for injury/virus/Disease
Research has shown that certain substances can inhibit the full activation of your Pineal Gland. The top four culprits are FLUORIDE, ALUMINUM, Wi-Fi, Glyphosate (a pesticide found in many foods), and insufficient sleep.
Since I am allergic to these items, and dealing with Wi-Fi has always been a challenge for me It has been quite an AH HA ! moment
These Journey's are a great way to figure out Pain, Heartache, Fears and so much more.
During these sessions, you are very aware of everything. I will be with you the entire time. You are guided, for instance to look at what you are wearing or what your name is in a past life. Curious? Come for a private session or with a friend. You do not need to share information.